My work draws influence from the branch of mysticism known as alchemy, which places strong emphasis on the self and duality. The most widely recognized idea of alchemy is physical alchemy, wherein a base material undergoes purification and transforms into a more valuable material; often recognized as the act of changing lead into gold. The lesser known metaphysical side of alchemy is “the science of the soul,” through which one undergoes the purification of the soul that occurs after the individual experiences multiple initiatory experiences. The metaphysical act of alchemical transmutation attempts to combine the duality of all aspects of life and join them in harmony within one’s self.

Clay serves as both medium and metaphor in the exploration of the dual nature of alchemy: transforming clay from basic earth to immortal work through the firing process, while also providing the canvas for the sculptural and functional vessels that represent symbols of the alchemical process. Alchemists use the vessel as metaphor for the human body, in which the transmutation of the soul occurs. I continue in this tradition, using my own interpretation of the classic ceramic vessel to reflect personal experiences, both positive and negative, that have transformed my life permanently. Ultimately, these vessels and images are symbolic of the changes that take place inside the self over the course of a lifetime.
